- 1 - Raekoja kellad
Churchbells at Reuterplatz, Neukölln, Berlin. There are two churches nearby, a Catholic and an Evangelical one. They’re always competing at 6pm, ringing their bells over 5 minutes. In this recording, the catholics win.
26.06.2011, 5:15min
- 2 - Pagari Pood
Arabian pide bakery at Kottbusser Damm. They only sell one product here, a tandoor bread, you get it warm, directly out of the oven. 4 pieces for 1,20€. The bakers make a characteristic sound when preparing the dough.
- 3 - Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi Stomatoloogiakliinik
Schlesische Str, Kreuzberg, at the pediatrist, waiting room ambience
- 4 - purskkaev Suudlevad Tudengid
City graveyard and crematorium, Baumschulenweg, Berlin, Treptow. This is a fascinating place, the architecture and sound within the building is overwhelming. A little fountain in the middle creates a sound audible all over the place, though it is very low.
- 5 - Occupy Tartu
Occupy berlin camp in Klosterstr., Berlin Mitte. People talking at campfire, 20-30 people around, improvised kitchen in one of the tents. The night will be cold.
4:30 min.
- 6 - kohvik Armastus
Turkish bakery at corner Bürknerstr. / Hobrechtstr. They are winners of the slow gentrification process taking place in this “Kiez”. Had a coffee there with a friend, then we listened to Echo & Narcis on the mobile phone.
5:00 min
- 7 - pingid Rüütli tänaval
Weekly market at Maybachufer, Neukölln, Berlin. Musicians gather here all day and try there best.
- 8 - kohvik Suudlevad Tudengid
Cafe Ringo, favourite place for quiet afternoons, Joni Mitchell is playing, two young women are talking about babies, few other guests chatting.
3:00 min
- 9 - kohvik Pierre
Outside Cafe Kotti, directly at Kottbusser Tor, Centrum Kreuzberg. There is kind of a “true” sound of Kreuzberg at this place.
- 10 - Tartu jõulufestival
Christmas market fun fair near Alexanderplatz, Berlin. Small rollercoaster called Wilde Maus, screaming girls and the rattling rollercoaster.
3:00 min
- 11 - öine Raekoja plats
Bürknerstr., some Kreuzberg/Neukölln (= “Kreuzkölln”) kids playing soccer at night in the middle of the street. the ball hits cars and walls, but they have fun...
3:05 min
- 12 - Maipüha, Raekola platsil
May day party and demonstration against capitalism & co., police fighting with the left wing black block at night at Kottbusser Tor. This is quite a typical Berlin Kreuzberg annual ritual, and attracts usually 1000s of tourists too.
3:30 min
- 13 - avalik käimla
City toilet ambience at Alexanderplatz, Berlin.
2:45 min
- 14 - Vabaduse puiestee ülekäigurada
Berlin, Kreuzberg, Urbanstr. / Körtestr., one of the few working traffic signs at a noisy street corner.
- 15 - esimese Tartu maratoni alguspunkt
There’s a famous annual marathon run in Berlin. This recording is made at Kottbusser Damm, border between Kreuzberg and Neukölln, dampened footsteps by a bunch of runners, sound of clapping fans. It’s very unusual not to hear heavy traffic at this place.
2:00 min
- 16 - Kesklinna park 1
Boule player’s place alongside Landwehrkanal, Kreuzberg, on the first warm & sunny spring day this year.
4:00 min
- 17 - Kesklinna park 2
A sunny Sunday, early sring, at Goerlitzer Park, Berlin Kreuzberg.
- 18 - Kesklinna pargi mänguväljak
Between Hobrecht- and Sanderstr, Neukölln. The place is called Kiezgarten, which sound similar as kids garden, but Kiez describes a small area in Berlin. It’s recreation place for kids and their parents.
- 19 - Kesklinna pargi tänavamuusik
Balkan street musicians in Bürknerstr., Neukölln, Berlin, a typical sound of spring and summer in this area.
2:30 min
- 20 - maiööbik
Kreuzberg, Dresdener Str., a nightingale sings in the middle of Kreuzberg, 2am in the morning, on a small wasteland which meanwhile has almost disappeared.
4:00 min
- 21 - tänavalaulik
Christmas singer at the entrance of Dussmanns book store, Friedrichstr., Berlin Mitte. Steps and coins in tin can.
- 22 - Zum Zum kohviku vihmaveetorud
Rain in the gutter, backyard of the radio aporee Berlin home base, Bürknerstr. Neukölln.
1:02 min
- 23 - Tartu Tähetorn
Wind blowing through the tattered canvas coverings of one of the smaller domes at Teufelsberg, the ex-American military spy station.
3:23 min
- 24 - kohvik Werner
- 25 - kohvik Werner õu
coffee break at Cafe Sturm, Friedelstr, Neukölln, inside and outside ambience.
Sunday, 25.3.2012
3:30 min
3:00 min
- 26 - Tartu Ülikooli Raamatupood
At one of Berlin’s biggest bookstores, Dussmann, Friedrichstr., Berlin Mitte, waiting in the queue for service.
- 27 - Tsink Plekk Pang
Lunch time at asia restaurant Hamy, Hasenheide, Kreuzberg. Staff is talking vietnamese.
2:30 min
- 28 - sulavesi Rüülti tanaval
Rain and melting snow in Bürknerstr., Neukölln, water drops from the roof on the sidewalk.
- 29 - Tartu Linna Polikliinik
Berlin, Urban-Krankenhaus at Landwehkanal, hospital, ambience at ground level, 6 elevators and people moving, shuffling, steps.
3:30 min
- 30 - kohvik Crepp
Inside Cafe Kotti, Kreuzberg. Unfortunately it was damages by a fire a few weeks ago.
- 31 - tänavamelu
Street life in Bürknerstr., Neukölln, Berlin.
5:00 min.
- 32 - Jaanikirik
Sound installation at Schlossplatz, Berlin Mitte. Wedding bells of the nearby Dom, a sound installation is playing poetry from Friederike Mayröcker. Area of former Palast der Republik, location of the planned city palace.
- 33 - Põnniplaneet
Fräulein Frost is the name of an ice cream shop /cafe in Friedelstr. On a warm spring Sunday like today it’s occupied all day by kids and their parents. these kinds of shops are significant for the ongoing change in this Neukölln area.
Sunday, 25.3.2012
- 34 - Genialistide Klubi
Mama bar, Hobrechtstr., it’s a hip place meanwhile, very typical for the new Neukölln, lots of young people from all around Europe, drinking czech beer, polish vodka and listening to balkan pop.
2:30 min
- 35 - Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed
Snow falling on the dried leaves of a rosebush in the gardens of Berlin's Parochialkirche, near Alexanderplatz.
- 36 - Vabaduse sild
Lohmühlenbrücke, former Berlin Wall area, late winter, kids skating on ice under the bridge, throwing heavy stones, which give a nice echo.
3:00 min.
- 37 - Tartu avaturg
Week market at Maybachufer, Neukölln, Berlin. Henrik Schröder reads a parapraph from Franz Hessel’s book about this place as it was in 1929.
30.3.2007 / 2.3.2012
3:00 min
- 38 - Tartu Autobussijaam
Hauptbahnhof Berlin, main station, binaural recording of a movement from the lowest platforms to the top level of the station.
- 39 - Swedbank
Savings bank near Hermannplatz, Kreuzberg, entrance area, sound of the cash machines.
- 40 - Kaubamaja parkimismaja
A hollow tubular rack for storing shopping carts on the top storey of an empty parking garage at Berlin's Rathauspassage near Alexanderplatz.
- 41 - Kaubamaja
Automatic doors from the inside of a shopping center near Alexanderplatz, with the sound of ventilation.
- 42 - linnamelu Toomemäelt
Soundscape at former Tempelhof airport, Berlin. Strange sounds of kites, distant voices and other activity going on 100s of meters away. Recorded with high gain, to catch the city drones at this place.
- 43 - Toomemäe mänguväljak
Weichselplatz Berlin Neukölln, playground and park on a Sunday afternoon in early autumn.
- 44 - Tartu Teatrikodu
Summer party in Nachbarschaftshaus (house of neighbours) Kreuzberg, Urbanstr. Kindergarden choir performing, kids are of age 2-5.
- 45 - Toome pood
Ambience at Aldi Supermarket, Kottbusser Damm. This is one of the cheap and ugly discounters, it’s frequented by all sort of people and nationalities.
5:30 min
- 46 - Tartu laululava
wind, dripping water, canvas, metal, and distant voices from the base of the main tower at Berlin's Teufelsberg hill.
- 47 - Ümarlaua baar
Berlin Gropiusstadt, pub ambiance on an early Saturday afternoon, gambling machines, people talking. This area is an island far away from any tourist or hipster activity. High rises from the 60s, which they called “ideal”. This pub is hidden in some corner, one can’t find it easily. Familiar atmosphere, they drink beer here in the morning instead of coffee.
4:45 min
- 48 - Tartu Raudteejaam
Subway station ambience at Gleisdreieck, border between Kreuzberg and Schöneberg. However, subways in Berlin may also go 15m above ground.
7:00 min.