radio aporee ::: projectsselection of works and activities | |
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radio aporeeOver the years, and thanks to a broad community of artists, phonographers and individuals working with sound and field recording, radio aporee has collected a comprehensive corpus of sounds from all around the world, and has provided many collaborative tools for artistic practices and research in the field. (listen to a 20min piece about radio aporee here)In addition to aspects of collecting, archiving and sound-mapping, the radio aporee platform also invokes experiments at the boundaries of different media, and public space. Within this notion, radio is both a technology in transition and a narrative. It constitutes a field whose qualities are connectivity, contiguity and exchange. Concepts of transmitter/ receiver and performer/ listener may become transparent and reversible. (a note about the word chaos on the aporee front page: that's from around late 90s, a little excercise in adding aspects of time and patina to a webpage. links and lines fade slowly into a subconscious darkness, after a while, and will not come back unless...) |
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radio aporee ::: ping ensembleContinuing to develop tools for spontaneous, ad-hoc, distributed, participatory, collaborative etc. pp. (...) radio. This one has some potential, cannot imagine an easier one, Read more... |
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miniatures for mobiles ::: new appActually I didn't want to continue with the aporee app... but since the miniatures for mobiles platform has become quite active recently, I've started to look into new concepts and technologies for developing cross-platform apps again... So it goes, along with a new app for android and ifon (released soon), the whole miniatures website has been renovated in one go. Read more... |
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SOM - self organizing mapsOn radio aporee, we're researching the possibility to create non-geographical topographic maps out of the sounds and their meta data. Since it is impossible to create an exact 2-D image of n-dimensional data, we rather try to find tendencies, proximity and clusters of similarity. Read more... |
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radio activity continuedUnder development: a set of tools to control and influence what's actually on air on radio aporee. it allows ad-hoc live performances, inserting of archived recordings based on search or location, keyword-based compilations, and more. get an idea... |
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radio activity continuedRecent experiments with live streaming from a raspberry Pi have encouraged me to continue developing this format into a radio praxis. The minimized setup makes it possible to move freely and to approach places and situations quickly. In February/March 2014 i'll have the chance to apply it to the city of Marrakesh as well as Oxford/UK, stay tuned. Find some logs of mobile radio sessions here. |
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Tuned City Brussels 2013Brussels proves to be a very dense multi-layered city characterised by abrupt shifts in urban structure, architecture and the social environment. This patchwork provides an urban modality that resists a general grasp of the city while providing room for individualised appropriations. The abundance of juxtapositions in the every-day surroundings create a productive resonance with its passersby in a manner where the city manifests as a vibrant, open-ended, multiplicity. How can one grasp the nature of these relational oscillations and what modes of resonance give shape to the particular Brussels vibe?During Tuned City Brussels, Udo Noll will accompany the course of the festival with his experimental radio device bx (bROADCAST BOx), a hybrid assembly of tools and techniques for entering and exploring different media spaces more or less simultaneously. The bx is an advancement of the previous concept of fmwalks, a setup combining performative city walks and mobile FM transmitting. It creates a link between the radio aporee soundmap of Brussels, recent recordings from actual city surroundings and live activities at various festival venues. It delivers a daily sound stream in between documentation and artistic radio practice, embedded into the city's urban atmospheres. |
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Musik aus der WolkeMusic from the Cloud involves compositions and audio works by eight Berlin-based and international composers, sound artists and authors that are based on selected, significant cultural spots in Berlin and can only be heard at these locations via smartphone. With the acoustic works from the cloud, users can embark on some of Berlin's most interesting independent projects and also use their ears to become acquainted with the city beyond the obvious tourist highlights. Using GPS, the audio pieces will be placed at their respective locations via the radio aporee platform and app, and will be on air from 1 -31 May 2013. Read more >>> |
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bx: bROADCAST_BOxbx is the result of some late night bricolage work... it's a mobile radio device for entering, exploring and playing with different media spaces more or less simultaneously, at almost any location. read more |
![]() | responsive / sensorial streamingi've recently focussed again on the radio aspects of radio aporee. within the last years, it has continuously played recordings from its global soundmap project. however, it has now turned into a responsive/sensorial stream that may (or may not...) recognise and react to events and acivity, e.g. new sound uploads, listeners tuning in, mobile app activity, live input, phone calls etc. it's an ongoing experiment to explore extended concepts and practises related to sound/art and radio. tune in with your favourite player or open on the web." |
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As We Speak: MariborMaps2012The project AS WE SPEAK features artworks, which focus on the transformative and translational processes of different languages and sounds. Its goal is to formulate different ways of communication and articulation, which always represent a direct consequence of political dimensions and historical events.Udo Noll (Berlin / Köln) and Patrick McGinley (Tartu / Estonia) created a sonic cartography of maribor and its surroundings, with support by local artists Ana Pecar, Petra Kaps and Andrej Hrvatin (Maribor). soundmap of Maribor, Slovenia |
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crosstalk: soundbridge Tartu - Berlin 2012In former telephone networks, the term crosstalk described a form of audible disturbance during a a call, often fragments of other calls, network noise or voices. What was considered to be an error, from a technical point of view, was experienced as an almost poetic moment by others: a spatial short-circuit, an unexpected encounter, an intimate touch by sound or a spoken word, the unfolding dimensions of a telecommunication network, whose specific sounds are a topos of it's own, synonymous with wide distances, and close personal relations. The project Crosstalk refers to this notion of distant touch. more... |
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miniatures for mobiles - augmented aur(e)alitythis project doesn't want to subtitle your reality. it's intention is to intensify and enrich the experience and perception of the world around you, while listening to it. you may think of it as a different radio which literally surrounds you while walking, and which may, if you like, dissolve the borders between listening and performing. read more here. |
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radioOrtung - Hörspiele für Selbstläufer... is a production of Deutschlandradio Kultur based on concepts and the architecture of the radio aporee platform. a series of projects started to explore the possibilities of geo-located sounds and radio drama, location based listening and performative practices in public space. the project started in september 2010 with the work of LIGNA, a group of radio & performance artists from Hamburg. it continued in 2011 with 50 Aktenkilometer, a work by Berlin based collective RIMINI PROTOKOLL. the third and so far last piece was Archiv der zukünftigen Ereignisse - Pre-Enactment by artist group Hofmann&Lindholm from Köln.among others, all of the radio-ortung works are accessible via the radio aporee ::: miniatures for mobiles app for android based smartphones. |
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radio aporee ::: app for android phonesthe radio aporee ::: app (for android phones) is out on the market. it's a browser for the global soundmap, a radio player for the streaming radio and an interface for exploring your sonic neighbourhood in many different ways. (see also miniatures for mobiles above). read more here. |
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radio aporee ::: mapsradio aporee ::: maps has started 2006, based on former artistic research on mapping, spatial conditions and the navigation between the real and the virtual. It develops from the insight that it is basically impossible to map the complexity of todays public spaces. Against the background of an increasing awareness of spatial aspects in media and the popularity and presence of visual geographies like google maps, the idea was to connect sound and space, and to create a cartography which focusses solely on sound, and open it to the public as a collaborative project. Meanwhile it contains 1000s of recordings from numerous urban, rural and natural environments, showing the sonic complexity of these environments, as well as the different perception and artistic perspectives related to sound, space and places. furthermore, it's an exciting playground for experiments with sound and mobile media. |
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fmwalks / radio.aporee.orgfmwalks started 1999 as an experimental setting for various techniques and concepts, mobile FM radio, home made transmitters, networks, internet streaming, telephone systems in various configurations. it was the starting point for radio aporee, which is a better place, form and format for these different approaches, all related to spaces, places, topographies, sense of place and esp. sound. currently, on you find a permanent stream of sounds from many places and contributors around the world.there are references to my first radio, an old receiver called nordmende raumklang, with its stack of short wave scales, which was the first of these maps: names of unknown places, spoken words in incomprehensible languages, sounds, noise, space. |
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radio aporee ::: worldnot exactly a project... it takes world misery statistics from several more or less official sources and speaks the truth (in german...)"In diesem Moment leben 6 Milliarden, 783 Millionen, 148 Tausend und 685 Menschen auf der Erde. Seit dem letzten Aufruf dieser Seite vor 10 Stunden, 03 Minuten und 26 Sekunden sind weltweit 10345 Menschen verhungert. Davon waren 6034 Kinder. 4526 Menschen sind an den Folgen verschmutzten Wassers gestorben. Davon waren 2414 Kinder. Außerdem haben sich 6034 Menschen neu mit H I V infiziert. 9052 Menschen sind an Tuberkulose erkrankt. 3621 sind an den Folgen von Aids gestorben. 2414 starben an den Folgen der Tuberkulose. Nebenbei wurden im gleichen Zeitraum 12926 Hektar tropischer Urwald vernichtet und 34395700 Tonnen Kohlendioxid in die Atmosphäre emittiert. Desweiteren sind weltweit 54 Tier oder Pflanzenarten ausgestorben. Guten Tag und vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit." |
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paroleAs in a type of "Borgesian" dream, parole establishes a permanently fluid and unstable mapping of the actual urban condition throughout the world, looking at the variations and alterations in language and in the discourse of several different disciplines. Neologisms, slang terms, theories, utopic projects, nicknames attributed to specific sites, urbanism, architecture, anthropology, contemporary art are some of the multiple material included in parole." In short, it's a dictionary of the contemporary city. (initially presented at the Biennale of Architecture, Venice 2000, unfortunately it's not updated anymore. |
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über den äther (Einsteinjahr 2005)Von der Quinta Essentia der Antike bis zur dunklen Energie moderner Kosmologien begleitet uns der Äther in wechselnder Bedeutung durch die Räume der Wissenschaft und Weltanschauung: Nie bewiesen, dennoch immer anwesend, widersprüchlich und weltausfüllend, ist er Medium und mythischer Stoff bis heute.this project was about the ancient (and maybe recent...) ether/aether/äther, it started in 2005 during the Einsteinjahr. during the research period of this project, numerous words and phrases describing the ether were extracted from available scientific literature, philosophy and poetry. with this flow of text, an Internet radio stream of spoken words and sounds, along with a public telephone interface for participation, was created for a sound object/installation at the historic market in Potsdam. |
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skytalk (2000)... transformed the wind turbine generator at Garbsen (near Hannover) into a narrative platform accessible by everyone on an Internet chat system. the generator was turned into a modern signpost, in the transient space near the Autobahn, expanding the notion of this space beyond the boundaries of here and there, real and virtual, past and present. |
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H|u|m|b|o|t (1999 - 2004)H|u|m|b|o|t was a project about the explorer and mapmaker Alexander von Humboldt and his book "Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent (1799 - 1804)". it used techniques of neural networks / self organizing maps (SOM) for an artistic analysis and mapping of multi-dimensional data, gathered from Humboldt's book, personal research and narratives, and contributions and traces left by vistors, in order to create readable landscapes and explorable textures. |
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A Description Of The Equator And Some Øtherlands (from 1996)... "is an experimental, word-based, film-related Internet project which is scripted and edited by the visitors to the virtual exhibition site at Documenta X, as a daily updated series of digital hypermovies, commanded not by a single scripting and editorial authority as is normally the case in filmmaking, but instead by traces left by those navigating the site..." besides that, it was an exploration of the conditions of the so called cyberspace, i.e. what distance means, what time, your body, and to find the equivalent of a meter...? |
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locations ( projects / exhibitions / workshops 1996 - 2016):
... / Video Art Festival Locarno 1996 / documenta X Kassel 1997 / 1st Performance
Festival Odense / FriArt Center of Contemporary Art, Fribourg / Palais
des Beaux Arts, Brussels / Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, Bonn / World Wide Video Festival Amsterdam / International
Art Fair Cologne / ZKM Center for Art and Media Technology, Karlsruhe /
Galerie K&S, Berlin / Gallery Brigitte Schenk, Cologne / Orangerie im
Volksgarten, Cologne / Musee d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris /
Staatsgallerie Stuttgart / De Geuzen, Amsterdam / Villa Medici, Academie
de France a Rome / Enkehuset Gallery Stockholm / jonctions 5, Brussels /
Atelier Nord, Oslo / Biennale of Architecture, Venice / ISEA, International
Symposion of Electronic Art, Paris / Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart /
25th Bienal de Sao Paulo / 5th biennial for media & architecture, Graz /
PS1 special projects summer New York / Einstein Forum Potsdam / das kleine
field recording festival, Berlin / program - initiative for art +
architectural collaborations / art 2.0 Cologne / tuned city 2008 Berlin /
Deutschlandradio Kultur / plan09 - forum for contemporary architecture
Cologne / CTM 10 club transmediale Berlin / RadiaLx - International Festival
of Radio Art Lisbon / Goethe Institut Lissabon / Deutschlandradio Kultur,
RadioOrtung - Hörspiele für Selbstläufer / futureplaces festival Porto /
ON2: TEST SIGNALS Berlin / TUNED CITY TALLINN 2011 / The Sonic Treshold,
Prague / Verortungen Entortungen: urbane Klangräume, D21 Leipzig /
International Festival Kiblix 2011, Maribor, Slovenia / As We Speak -
New Languages, Culture Capital Europe 2012, Maribor Slovenia / Sounds
of Europe: SoundLab Prague / Trans_Locative, Aksioma, Ljubljana, Slovenia /
PIXXELPOINT 13 Nova Gorica / Winterakademie 8, Theater an der Parkaue Berlin 2013 /
CRISAP In The Field, London 2013 / Paradise Lost, Kunstradio ORF Wien /
Sound Diaries Oxford, UK / Digitale Sinneskulturen des Radios Berlin /
Tuned City Bruxelles 2013 / Silent Spaces, Trieste , produced by Goethe Institute
Ljubljana 2013 / Meziuchy - BetweenThe Ears Festival Prague 2013 / Locusonus
streaming workshop, Aix-en-Provence 2014 / Audiograft Festival Oxford UK 2014 /
Here and Now. Voices of Marrakesh / The Notion and Politics of Listening, Casino
Luxembourg 2014 / Tsonami Festival Arte Sonoro 2015, Valparaiso, Chile /
Borderline Festival Athen 2016 / Risk Change, Association for Culture and Education,
Maribor, Slovenia / La belle vie numérique, La Fondation Groupe EDF Paris /
Ortsgespräche, Goethe Institute Warsaw 2019 / berlin_lokal_zeit CLB Berlin 2020 /
soundart Nickelsdorf, AT 2021 / ...
radio aporee ideas, concepts, development, housekeeping: © 1995 - 2020
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